Cpp Interop Exercise

After completing this exercise you will be able to

  • use autocxx to deal with C++ data types from Rust in a header-only library
  • write your own thin wrappers for C++ functions with default parameters
  • be able to call template C++ functions from Rust with autocxx


  • FFI
  • Some knowledge of C/C++

This exercise does not require writing vast amounts of Rust code, but does require understanding how different parts of the build system in Rust and C++ interact to get the project going.


  1. Use autocxx to develop bindings to a rapidcsv.h and print out the dates in example.csv, from within Rust as well as the RowCount.

You should get:

  1. Use autocxx to read weather.csv and report both the number of records in July and the average temperature

A full solution is available at rust-exercises/exercises-solutions/cpp-interop.


We will learn to use autocxx to interface Rust and C++, a usually onerous affair.

Modern C++ dependencies can have exceptions, their own heap, variadic templates, generic parameters and all sorts of functionality that is hard to interface with.

autocxx helps us automate this bridge, up to a point, and we'll see how to overcome its limitations and understand where they come from.

To get started, we've provided a header-only C++ library called rapidcsv inside rust-exercises/exercise-templates/cpp-interop that can load and process CSV files.

autocxx works by inspecting the declared data structures in rapidcsv.h and generating the necessary methods and types from the Rust side.

The types and methods for rapidcsv::Document, the main data type that holds a CSV, can be generated with

autocxx::include_cpp! {
    include "wrapper.h"


In order to setup autocxx, one needs a src/build.rs script that will regenerate the necessary bindings on each cargo build invocation if main.rs changed.

We've taken a very basic script from the autocxx repo and dropped it into src/build.rs.

build.rs files are scripts that are run before the rest of your program, and we'll use it to link with 3rd party code dependencies.


We'll define CxxStrings with the use of the handy macro

let_cxx_string!(file_name = "example.csv");

which comes with cxx. This can become a very painful constructor otherwise since we'd have to turn our Rust strings into CxxStrings for opening a file with a C++ method, so this is very handy.

Unique Ptr and RAII

Interfacing with C++ normally means that we have to keep track of which data types are allocated on the Rust or C++ heap if we were writing our bindings manually.

autocxx is smart enough to help us get RAII for our objects (defined by C++ code) managed by Rusty wrapper types, like UniquePtr<CxxString>.

This means that we can have a Rusty-guarantee that the objects we create on the Rust side are cleaned up after we're done.

The bindgen wrapper.h trick, generics, and default parameters

In order to facilitate autocxx's discovery of the required types we want, we need to provide a single entry point by using the "famous" wrapper.h trick described in the bindgen docs.

This is because autocxx (nor any tool, probably) can't concretize generic parameters in the general case, so we need to specify a concrete type signature we will be using:

#include "rapidcsv.h"

namespace my_csv {
    rapidcsv::Document open_csv(const std::string& pPath) {
        return rapidcsv::Document(pPath);

Note that we even have access to namespaces!

This trick is also useful for dealing with the rapidcsv::Document C++ constructor that have many default parameters:

explicit Document(const std::string& pPath = std::string(),
                  const LabelParams& pLabelParams = LabelParams(),
                  const SeparatorParams& pSeparatorParams = SeparatorParams(),
                  const ConverterParams& pConverterParams = ConverterParams(),
                  const LineReaderParams& pLineReaderParams = LineReaderParams())

autocxx does not pick up on the rapidcsv::Document constructor having all these default parameters.

If we didn't do the wrapper trick, we'd have to define each of those xxxParams() objects separately and pass it into each constructor.

Remember, autocxx does not necessarily define a Document::new for us!


  • Add autocxx, build.rs, example.csv, rapidcsv.h or look at our rust-exercises/exercises-template/cpp-interop.

Write our wrapper.h and print the RowCount

  • Write a open_csv that will act as our constructor in wrapper.h
  • Call doc.GetRowCount(); on your doc and print it.
Solution: Once you have this in your `src/wrapper.h`:
#pragma once // We write this to not trip up the build system!

#include "rapidcsv.h"

namespace my_csv {
    rapidcsv::Document open_csv(const std::string& pPath) {
        return rapidcsv::Document(pPath);

We can define our method of interest:

use autocxx::prelude::*;
use cxx::{let_cxx_string, CxxString};
use ffi::rapidcsv::Document;

autocxx::include_cpp! {
    include "wrapper.h"

fn main() {
    let_cxx_string!(file_name = "example.csv");
    let doc = ffi::my_csv::open_csv(&file_name).within_unique_ptr();
    let count = doc.GetRowCount();

And call doc.getRowCount() from the Rust side, knowing that all resources will be RAII'd properly.

Write GetStringCell method

Write an impl block to have doc.get_string_cell(n, i) work, then print the entries.

We now want to access specific elements to print them:


We add the method to our wrapper.h:

#pragma once

#include "rapidcsv.h"

namespace my_csv {
    rapidcsv::Document open_csv(const std::string& pPath) {
        return rapidcsv::Document(pPath);

    std::string get_string_cell(const rapidcsv::Document& doc,const size_t pColumnIdx, const size_t pRowIdx) {
        return doc.GetCell<std::string>(pColumnIdx, pRowIdx);
use autocxx::prelude::*;
use cxx::{let_cxx_string, CxxString};
use ffi::rapidcsv::Document;

autocxx::include_cpp! {
    include "wrapper.h"

fn main() {
    let_cxx_string!(file_name = "example.csv");
    let doc = ffi::my_csv::open_csv(&file_name).within_unique_ptr();
    let count = doc.GetRowCount();
    for i in 0..count {
        let date = doc.get_string_cell(0, i);
        println!("{}", date);

trait GetStringCell {
    fn get_string_cell(&self, column: usize, row: usize) -> UniquePtr<CxxString>;

impl GetStringCell for Document {
    fn get_string_cell(&self, column: usize, row: usize) -> UniquePtr<CxxString> {
        ffi::my_csv::get_string_cell(self, column, row)